Miranda Broadus, Registrar
[email protected]
Office: (936) 276-3607
Fax: (936) 276-3601
Attendance Zones
New Student Enrollment
Address Change Form

Student SUCCESS is what we are about at Montgomery Elementary! Research shows that students who attend school regularly are more successful in the classroom. Establishing good attendance habits with children makes a positive IMPACT in their progress and achievement in school. We appreciate your partnership in helping us help your child reach his or her fullest potential. Here are some important things to keep in mind about your child's attendance:
- Attendance is officially recorded at 10:00 a.m. each day.
- If your child does have to miss school, please contact our school registrar (936)-276-3607. Send a note with your child to school the day he/she returns, explaining the reason for the absence. If your child has had a doctor's appointment, be sure to include a doctor's note as well. Communication, with the school, about your child's absences is important.
- When a student is tardy or leaves early from school this causes them to miss important instruction and causes an interruption in the learning environment of the classroom.
- Keep in mind that too many absences can affect learning, regardless of whether absences are excused or unexcused.
- Students enrolled in pre-K - 5th grade are subject to compulsory attendance laws and policies.